sales and marketing services and web design and web development lebanon
sales and marketing services and web design and web development lebanon

Feeling burnt out from chasing cold leads that go nowhere?

We get it. At MAVEN, we're IT sales veterans:

tired of the same old grind and passionate about seeing businesses thrive?

That's why we deliver warm, pre-qualified leads who are ready to talk, not another stack of generic names.

Our data-backed strategies and closing experts are your secret weapon to turning prospects into customers, fast.

Ditch the endless nurturing and watch your revenue soar.

Partner with MAVEN and let's reach your full sales potentialtogether.

Tell me more

Tell me how

More Sales


More Sales















01 Discovery & Analysis

01 Discovery & Analysis

We begin by conducting a comprehensive analysis of your business, including your target audience, competitors, market trends, and current sales and marketing strategies

We define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals aligned with your overall business objectives.

We begin by conducting a comprehensive analysis of your business, including your target audience, competitors, market trends, and current sales and marketing strategies

We define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals aligned with your overall business objectives.

02 Strategy Development

02 Strategy Development

Our strategy focuses on identifying your ideal customer profile, crafting compelling messaging, and selecting the most effective channels to reach your target audience.

We utilize data-driven insights and proven methodologies to optimize your sales funnel and maximize your conversion rates.

Our strategy focuses on identifying your ideal customer profile, crafting compelling messaging, and selecting the most effective channels to reach your target audience.

We utilize data-driven insights and proven methodologies to optimize your sales funnel and maximize your conversion rates.

03 Implementation & Execution

03 Implementation & Execution

We seamlessly integrate our strategy into your existing systems and processes. We provide ongoing training and support to your team to ensure they are equipped to execute the plan effectively.

We leverage our expertise to manage and optimize your campaigns across various channels, including LinkedIn and email marketing.

We seamlessly integrate our strategy into your existing systems and processes. We provide ongoing training and support to your team to ensure they are equipped to execute the plan effectively.

We leverage our expertise to manage and optimize your campaigns across various channels, including LinkedIn and email marketing.

04 Measurement & Optimization

04 Measurement & Optimization

We track key performance indicators (KPIs) throughout the process to measure the effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts.

We continuously refine and optimize your strategy based on data insights and changing market conditions to ensure long-term success.

We track key performance indicators (KPIs) throughout the process to measure the effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts.

We continuously refine and optimize your strategy based on data insights and changing market conditions to ensure long-term success.

Maven's Proven 4-Step Sales Growth workflow

Maven's Proven 4-Step Sales Growth workflow

Maven's Proven 4-Step

Sales Growth workflow




Portfolio Growth YOY

Portfolio Growth YOY

x3 +

Average cost per B2B Lead

Average cost per B2B Lead


Month over Month

Month over Month


abdullah saleh sales and marketing expert experts in lebanon
abdullah saleh sales and marketing expert experts in lebanon
abdullah saleh sales and marketing expert experts in lebanon

Abdullah Saleh

Abdullah Saleh

Abdullah Saleh

With many years of experience in the B2B sales landscape, Abdullah brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

CEO & founder of MAVEN, a company dedicated to helping B2B businesses achieve their full potential through customized sales strategies and solutions.

Lets discuss how MAVEN can help your business reach new heights.

With over eight years of experience in the sales landscape, Abdullah brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

He is the founder of MAVEN, a company dedicated to helping businesses achieve their full potential through customized sales strategies and solutions.

Contact Abdullah today to schedule a special consultation and discuss how MAVEN can help your business reach new heights.

Let's chat









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+961 71 95 10 90

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